php-script sinus.php will be executed to calculate data to be presented by Line-chart.
Parameter for creation of chart
{rgraph type="Line" width="700" height="350" title="A Line Chart with Data from URL" data="url"
url="" x_step="10" filled="1" x_step="9"
filledColors="rgba(0,191,255,0.3)" yaxisScaleMax="1" yaxisScaleMin=-"-1" backgroundGridVlinesCount="16" xaxisTickmarksCount="8"
yaxisScaleDecimals="2" tooltip="X=#label# value=#val#" scaleDecimals="3" tooltipsEvent="onclick" xaxisPosition="center"}cvs{/rgraph}
Important: If you want to test this sample via copy/paste, ensure that you paste with option "paste as plain text" otherwise imbedded html-codes may invalidate your input.
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