Congratulations, very nice extension.
I am trying to figure out (if possible) how to display only flags, countries and percentage (not the counter below).
The appearance (layout) of Joomla modules is determined by templates (php scripts) from the respective module templates directory ("tmpl"). (Often via the file "default.php"). Edit your used layout (eg; "default.php" - the used layout was defined in the module settings for the jsvisit-counter) and delete the line with the content
You can also change this layout permanently according to your wishes, so that your changes will be overridden by an update:
1. Create a directory "html" in your template (if it doesn't already exist)
2. Create the directory "mod_jsvisit_counter" in it
3. Copy the layout files from "../modules/mod_jsvisit_counter/tmpl" into the directory "./templates/..your template../html/mod_jsvisit_counter"
4. Edit your used layout (e.g.; "default.php") - the used layout is defined in the module settings for the jsvisit-counter
5. Build in your changes
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