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× php-RGraph und php-rgraph Joomla Content Plugin

Graphs not showing in Joomla

  • Marco
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7 Monate 2 Wochen her #1550 von Marco
Graphs not showing in Joomla wurde erstellt von Marco
Congratulations for the excellent work!

I am looking forward to use the "php-RGraph" in Joomla.

I am using a LAMP local server for testing.

I managed to install the unziped "" file in my root web server directory (/var/www/html/) and it works with all the examples!: http://localhost/RGraph/index.html

My Joomla installation (/var/www/html/) is in: http://localhost/Joomla

And I also installed the "php-RGraph" plugin in Joomla and enabled it, but I can't see the graph when I type the following text directly in my article: {rgraph data="50,60,70,80,90,60|109,120,100,130,140,100" title="Sample 1"} sample01{/rgraph}

Please help, probably I miss understood something


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  • jochen
  • Administrator
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7 Monate 2 Wochen her #1551 von jochen
jochen antwortete auf Graphs not showing in Joomla
pls. check if your editor did not convert the doüble quotes or the curly brackets (e.g. browse created html source)

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  • Marco
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7 Monate 4 Tage her - 7 Monate 4 Tage her #1553 von Marco
Marco antwortete auf Graphs not showing in Joomla
I am posting the html generated, please help:

<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <script>   if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
           console.log ('Error! jQuery not availanble, php-rgaph needs jQuery library'); }
    <script>jQuery(document).ready(function() { 
  chartcvs = new RGraph.HBar( {"chart_type":"HBar","id":"cvs","data":[40,50,80,30,50,60,70],"options":{"debug":false,"marginTop":35,"marginBottom":30,"marginLeft":25,"marginRight":15,"scaleDecimals":0,"scalePoint":",","scaleThousand":".","colors":["#e60000","#008000","#0052cc","#52CCA3","#996633","#339933","#00BFFF","#66ff33","#191970","#FF6600"],"tooltipsEffect":"fade","backgroundColor":"rgba(240, 240, 240, 0.4)","colorsSequential":false,"linewidth":1.5,"backgroundGrid":true,"backgroundGridColor":"#dddddd","titleFont":"Arial","titleSize":11,"titleColor":"#555555","textFont":"Arial","textColor":"#555555","textSize":9,"tooltipsCssClass":"rgraph_tooltips","tooltipsPointer":true,"tooltipsPositionStatic":false,"xaxisColor":"#000000","yaxisColor":"#000000","xaxisTitleFont":"Arial","yaxisTitleFont":"Arial","xaxisTitleColor":"#555555","yaxisTitleColor":"#555555","xaxisTitleSize":9,"yaxisTitleSize":9,"xaxisTitlePos":0.3,"yaxisTitlePos":0.3,"marginLeftAuto":true,"xaxisScaleMax":90,"variant":"3d","xaxisScalePoint":",","xaxisScaleThousand":".","yaxisScalePoint":",","yaxisScaleThousand":".","labels":["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"],"yaxisLabels":["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]}} ).draw();


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Letzte Änderung: 7 Monate 4 Tage her von Marco. Begründung: Adding a file

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  • Marco
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Fresh Boarder
7 Monate 4 Tage her #1554 von Marco
Marco antwortete auf Graphs not showing in Joomla
I even tried copying the text:

{rgraph data="50,60,70,80,90,60|109,120,100,130,140,100" title="Sample 1"} sample01{/rgraph}
into a "Custom Module" and enabling the "Prepare Content" Option, by doing that, thet text itself is not showing, only a blank space where the graph should be.

Does the "Plugin php-RGraph" actually include all the libraries of the "php-RGraph" by itself? or do I have to install the "php-RGraph" somewhere inside the Joomla in order to all libraries needed to be visible by Joomla?

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  • Mavi
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  • Fresh Boarder
7 Monate 3 Tage her - 7 Monate 3 Tage her #1555 von Mavi
Mavi antwortete auf Graphs not showing in Joomla
Hello Marco

 Your posted code is based on the example from this page. 
I used this example myself and also explicitly tested your code again in my Joomla installation and it works. 

Are you sure that you imported your code as plain text into the Joomla editor? 
If you copy the code 1:1, it will contain design elements that interfere with Joomla's interpretation.

Have you also checked whether the plugin was activated in Joomla?

Something else that could be disruptive would be a Content Security Policy (CSP) in your htaccess (only applicable if you have changed it) in this case, an exception rule must be added

Does the "Plugin php-RGraph" actually include all the libraries of the "php-RGraph" by itself?

The installation includes everything needed to run the code example.
The bug/error must lie somewhere in your Joomla installation or maybe in your environment

Yes, it is a fault of your environment:

'Error! jQuery not availanble, php-rgaph needs jQuery library');

Letzte Änderung: 7 Monate 3 Tage her von Mavi.

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  • Marco
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  • Fresh Boarder
  • Fresh Boarder
7 Monate 3 Tage her #1557 von Marco
Marco antwortete auf Graphs not showing in Joomla
Thank you very much for the answer.

I wanted to tell you for information purposes what I did:

I installed the "php-RGraph" in my root web server directory (/var/www/html/), so I access it in : http://localhost/RGraph/

And my Joomla installation also is in /var/www/html/ , so I access it in: http://localhost/Joomla

Then I just installed the "Plugin php-RGraph" and enabled it.

Then I changed in Joomla Global Configuration -> Site -> Default Editor -> from TinyMCE to None.

After that, I just copied the {rgraph data="50,60,70,80,90,60|109,120,100,130,140,100" title="Sample 1"} sample01{/rgraph} and pasted directly in an article.

Since I did not touch anything else, where do I check the environment?, is there a file? or do I have to insert some libraries reference before in that article?

Thank you very much for your patience, I think we are on the right track.

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