Sample 1. With background images you may setup charts to show up in a more attractive appearance. This sample illustrates the use of parameter "bg_image" by using chart menues at the same time. |
Sample 2. This sample shows how you would access data from your local file system. The data for this chart (squares from 0 to 8 in 0.1 increments) had been generated by a small program. |
Sample 3. This sample requests data from our webserver and illustrates the use of a remote (or local) program feeding the data for flashChart. |
Sample 4. This sample focusses on the tooltip feature of flashChart (provided by the Open flash Chart API). |
Sample 5. This sample produces a stacked bar chart and shows how you would use the various legends attributes. |
Sample 6. This sample gives you an idea how to feed flashChart with data from mysql db. It selects text for the labels and data from Joomla!'s "content" table. |
Sample 7. This sample illustrates how to setup colors using parameter multibar_color". |
Sample 8. This sample gives you an idea how to assign specific colors to bars, if a defined data value has been reached. |
Sample 9. This sample gives you an idea how to assign specific tips to line dots within a line chart, if a defined data value has been reached. |
Sample 10 This sample illustrates, how to explicitly define and use colors for chart elements. |
Sample 11 This sample shows the use of substitution of Joomla!'s variables . |
Sample 12 This sample shows a radar chart and illustrated the use of tooltips and hints based on data values (alert values). |
Sample 13. Since version 1.1.8 of flashChart you can display web-resources, also charts of course, within modal windows. To get some detail information about this feature please read:
{flashchart data="50,60,70,80,90,60|109,120,100,130,140,100" modal_chart="" width="500" height="250" title="Chart in a Modal Window"}chart01{/flashchart} |
Sample 14. With parameter "rearrange_data" you may instead manually rearrange data for stacked bar charts have it flashchart doing it on request. This sample will show as well the use of chart menues. |
Sample 15. With parameter "show_trend" you will request to calculate and display a trendline for bar charts and line charts. The calculation will be done by flashChart's builtin regression feature. |