How to use variable substitution
Also have a look at the other parameters...
Chart Parameter: | {flashchart height="400" width="100%" data="database" sql="Select title, hits From jos_content Order By hits Desc Limit 10" type="bar_dome" tooltip="#val# Hits" title="Most read Articles (today - #date# at #time#)" x_label_rotate="40" multibar_color="1"}sample007{/flashchart} |
{flashchart height="400" width="100%" data="database" sql="Select title, hits From jos_content Order By hits Desc Limit 10" type="bar_dome" tooltip="#val# Hits" title="Most read Articles (today - #date# at #time#)" x_label_rotate="40" multibar_color="1"}sample007{/flashchart}
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