Usage for "chart_colors"
Also have a look at all defined parameters..Chart Parameter: |
{flashchart data="CDU,SPD,Grüne,Linke,Sonstige,FDP,Piraten/36,30,14,7,4,3,6" tooltip="#percent# of votes" width="90%" type="pie" chart_colors="000000,DC143C,228B22,B22222,0000CC,FFCC00,FF3300" alpha="1.0" height="320" title="If the election were next sunday,<br /> which party would you vote for?" dimension="%" bg_image="/plugins/content/flashchart/images/pb.jpg"}pb002{/flashchart} |
{flashchart data="CDU,SPD,Grüne,Linke,Sonstige,FDP,Piraten/36,30,14,7,4,3,6" tooltip="#percent# of votes" width="90%" type="pie" chart_colors="000000,DC143C,228B22,B22222,0000CC,FFCC00,FF3300" alpha="1.0" height="320" title="If the election were next sunday,
which party would you vote for?" dimension="%" bg_image="/plugins/content/flashchart/images/pb.jpg"}pb002{/flashchart}
Notes: With parameter "chart_colors" following colors for chart elements have been defined explicitly:
These colors are used sequentially one after another for every slice of pie chart. Means first data value ("36" - sclice "CDU") gets color "000000" (black), second ("29" - slice "SPD) gets "DC143C" (red), and so on...
You may try out this sample with only changing type="pie" to type="bar_dome"...
Important: If you want to test this sample via copy/paste, ensure that you paste with option "paste as plain text" otherwise imbedded html-codes may invalidate your input.