Data for Chart is retrieved from Joomlas MySql Database
Notes:We will not only access Joomla's local database but retrieve similar data from remote MySql Datenbases. All sites have flashChart installed and are using flashChart's MySql interface.
In this sample two charts are generated. Second chart is not displayed ("hidden") as it has parameter "hide_chart" set. All charts may be displayed by clicking choice in chart menu. Javascripts to be used in "menu" have been created dynamically via parameter "create_script".
- {flashchart width="600" height="240" data="popup_window" url="php-apps/flashchart/samples/chart_parm02-en.html" title="Click to see flashChart parameters for this sample"}chart01{/flashchart}
{flashchart height="400" width="100%" data="database" sql="Select title, hits From jos_content Order By hits Desc Limit 10" create_script="localhost" multibar_color="1" menu=",oberquembach" type="bar_cylinder" tooltip="#val# Hits" title="Most read at" x_label_rotate="40" bar_animation="grow-up"}sample006{/flashchart} {flashchart height="400" width="100%" create_script="oberquembach" hide_chart="1" menu="jschmidt-sytemberatung,localhost" data="url" url="" multibar_color="1" type="bar_cylinder" tooltip="#val# Hits" title="Most read at" x_label_rotate="40" x_label_truncate="20" bar_animation="fade-in"}sample006{/flashchart} Access to remote MySql Databaes is done with a tiny PHP-Script, which will be triggered for execution via parameter data="url" and "url". It uses flashChart's Version 1.3.0 interfaces (via "flashchart_class.php").
Here you have this PHP-Script - "getDatafromDB.php", which has been installed in directory "../templates/system" on both remote sites:
<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); require_once (JPATH_ROOT . "/plugins/content/flashchart/lib/flashchart_class.php"); $chartdata = new flashChart("myid"); $chartdata->setChartProperty("data", "database"); $chartdata->setChartProperty("sql", "Select title, hits From jos_content Order By hits Desc Limit 10"); echo ( $chartdata->getChartProperty("data") ); ?>
Important: If you want to test this sample via copy/paste, ensure that you paste with option "paste as plain text" otherwise imbedded html-codes may invalidate your input.